Are you adding value to your clients or are you spending too much time playing checkers? Let me explain how the game is played in so many Accounting firms.
The game starts with the client diligently (sometimes!) completing their
Xero coding (or cashbook) and submitting it to their accountant. The first thing the person preparing the annual accounts does is
check the work that the client has done. Once a draft set of accounts is complete, it is then passed to a more senior team member for
checking. The file is then passed back for any required changes to be completed. Of course, these changes then need to be
checked again. Then (not frequently enough as this crucial step is often missed) the accountant meets with the client to go through the draft accounts - you've got it - to
check everything again with the client.
The file is now passed back to be finalised by the original team member and this is when the game of checkers really heats up; the person preparing the accounts completes a number of
checklists. The senior team member then
checks the work once more and
reviews the checklists - or even
completes a new checklist. Then the file goes to the Partner for
checking and sign off.